
In this article, we will go into the details of how to navigate our main tool, the code editor. Since we use it for writing and we do this with our hands on the keyboard, our goal is to be able to navigate easily across the editor while keeping our hands in the typing position.

It will take some time and practice, but by knowing how to do everything inside our IDE (Integrated development environment) with only the keyboard, you will be much faster, less distracted and you’ll be writing code like the cool kid from a hacker movie.

I use Visual Studio Code as my main editor and the settings I describe will be targeted at it, but if you don’t want to switch from your favourite IDE, then you can probably still apply the principles presented here, but you will have to look up the setting names and extensions yourself.

Note: The keybindings I suggest are opinionated and work for me, but you can change them to your liking. Also, applying these principles will mess with existing keybindings that you probably got accustomed to. This means you will have to relearn key combinations, but I believe that a consistent shortcut system is totally worth the effort.

Cursor Movement

Moving the cursor around is the most common thing we do in our IDE, so it’s worth taking a critical look at it. Basically, it’s all about using the Left, Right, Up and Down keys in combination with the modifier keys Ctrl, Shift and Alt to which I like to assign a context-specific meaning:

  • Ctrl for speeded movement
  • Shift for selection (obvious one)
  • Alt for special action

For speeded horizontal movement, we can use the commands cursorWordStartLeft and cursorWordEndRight, that are already built into VS Code and let us jump to the previous/next word boundary. I also like to add the extension Select part of word, which lets us jump not the whole word, but camelcase-steps and can be used for a more controlled horizontal movement.

For speeded vertical movement, we can install an extension called line-jumper, which gives us commands for jumping lines and also lets us adjust the number of lines to jump (in the user preferences).

moving the cursor

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Move the cursor to the previous word-boundary Ctrl + LeftArrow cursorWordStartLeft
Move the cursor to the next word-boundary Ctrl + RightArrow cursorWordEndRight
Move the cursor to the previous camelCase word Ctrl + Alt + LeftArrow selectPartOfWord.moveLeft
Move cursor to next camelCase word Ctrl + Alt + RightArrow selectPartOfWord.moveRight
Move the cursor 5 (or any other number) lines up Ctrl + UpArrow lineJumper.moveUp
Move the cursor 5 lines down Ctrl + DownArrow lineJumper.moveDown

Note: There are also extensions like Indentation Level Movement or Space Block Jumper that let you jump through the block levels of your code and this may be what you want to assign to speeded vertical movement, but I personally find it kind of hard to predict where they will take you and therefore don’t like to use them.


By additionally pressing the Shift key, we can use the same type of movement for selection:

speeded selection

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Select everything until the previous word-boundary Ctrl + Shift + LeftArrow cursorWordStartLeftSelect
Select until the next word-boundary Ctrl + Shift + RightArrow cursorWordEndRightSelect
Select until the previous camelCase word Ctrl + Shift + Alt + LeftArrow selectPartOfWord.selectLeft
Select until the next camelCase word Ctrl + Shift + Alt + RightArrow selectPartOfWord.selectRight
Select 5 lines up Ctrl + Shift + UpArrow lineJumper.selectUp
Select 5 lines down Ctrl + Shift + DownArrow lineJumper.selectDown

A special kind of selection is expanding and shrinking the selection to the next/previous block level.

block-level selection

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Expand the selection to the next block level Shift + Alt + UpArrow editor.action.smartSelect.grow
Shrink the selection back to the previous block level Shift + Alt + DownArrow editor.action.smartSelect.shrink

In cases where you’re not browsing with the cursor and you want to go to a position that you have already fixated with your eyes, then jumpy might be something, that you want to start using. You can scroll the page up and down to see more positions above or below your cursor.

using jumpy

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Open the jumpy overlay. Then type the 2-character-combination to jump to the linked word Ctrl + Alt + Space extension.jumpy-word
Move the viewport (not the cursor) up Ctrl + Alt + UpArrow scrollPageUp
Move the viewport down Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow scrollPageDown

Rearranging lines

Another type of movement is shifting the currently selected line(s), either up and down or left and right (indenting and outdenting). We still have the Alt key left to assign in combination with the arrow keys, so let’s use it for that.

moving lines

Description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Move the selected line(s) up Alt + UpArrow editor.action.moveLinesUpAction
Move the selected line down Alt + DownArrow editor.action.moveLinesDownAction
Indent the selected line Alt + RightArrow editor.action.indentLines
Outdent the selected line Alt + LeftArrow editor.action.outdentLines

Code folding

The more lines of code you write in your file, the harder it gets to find the line you are looking for. This is a good time to fold up some code blocks that you don’t need at the moment and get some more overview.

I like to use keys on the right hand right side in combination with the modifier keys that I press with the left hand, so I chose the Ä key (german keyboard layout) for this function. You might want to use a different key.

code folding

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Fold the code-block at the cursor position Ctrl + Ä editor.fold
Unfold the code-block at the cursor position Ctrl + Shift + Ä editor.unfold

Multiple editor windows

Sometimes you want two or three files side-by-side, so you can e.g. peek at one file while you write inside the other. That’s when you want to open up a new editor group (aka split the window) and move files between the groups.

When you have multiple files opened in one group, you can open up a quick menu with Ctrl + Tab and pick the file to show with the Up and Down keys while holding the Ctrl key pressed.

multiple windows

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Move the current file to the right (and split the window, if needed) Ctrl + Alt + - workbench.action.moveEditorToNextGroup
Move the current file to the left (and maybe unsplit the window) Ctrl + Alt + . workbench.action.moveEditorToPreviousGroup
Cycle focus between editor groups Ctrl + Alt + , workbench.action.navigateEditorGroups
Open the quick menu for the active editor group Ctrl + Tab workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNextInEditorPicker

I also assign keybindings to expanding and shrinking the width of an editor. Say you have three editor groups side-by-side and want to focus working in the middle one, then you can push aside the other editors that you don’t need at the moment.

expanding and shrinking groups

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Expand the current editor-group width Ctrl + Alt + # workbench.action.minimizeOtherEditors
Evenly size all editor-group widths Ctrl + Alt + Ä workbench.action.evenEditorWidths

Using the menu

Now that you are able to navigate with ease in your editor windows, there are a few more things that you can use your IDE for, like making git commits, opening files or using a terminal window.

Using git

The git integration in VS Code is pretty good and it changed my commit habits from “end-of-day” commits for all project files to more sophisticated per-file changes in shorter intervals.

Everytime you feel like you’ve reached a little milestone in your code you can just pop up the git dialogue, see what has changed in each file side-by-side and write a meaningful commit message based on that.

After you have opened up the git dialogue in the sidebar, you can press Tab to go from the message input field to the list of file changes. Press Enter key on a selected file to see the changes in a side-by-side comparison view. You can go back to the input field by pressing Ctrl + 0, which will (re)focus the sidebar or by pressing Shift + Tab .

using git integration

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Open the git menu in the Sidebar Ctrl + Alt + G workbench.view.scm
(Re)focus the Sidebar Ctrl + 0 workbench.action.focusSideBar
Stage the selected file Ctrl + Shift + Alt + + git.stage
Unstage the selected file Ctrl + Shift + Alt + - git.unstage
Commit all staged file(s) Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Enter git.commitStaged

The git dialogue opens up in the sidebar, so to toggle the sidebar visibility, I have assigned a custom combination as well (again, Ü because of german keyboard layout). Then I have one more keybinding right next to it for toggling Zen mode, which I always use when writing.

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Show or hide the Sidebar Ctrl + Alt + Ü workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility
Toggle Zen Mode Ctrl + Alt + + workbench.action.toggleZenMode

Using the file explorer

In VS Code, you can open any file within your project folder by just pressing Ctrl + P and then typing the filename. You can also browse the project files by using the integrated file explorer in the sidebar.

using integrated file explorer

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Open the file explorer in the Sidebar Ctrl + Alt + F workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer

Using the integrated terminal

Another cool thing in VS Code is the integrated terminal. If you want to do a quick git status or see the console.log()s of your node script, then there’s no need to leave the editor.

using the terminal

description keybinding command (in VS Code)
Open a terminal window Ctrl + Alt + T workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal

Bottom line

In this article I have shown the very basics of keyboard-only editor navigation. There are many things not covered here, e.g. multiple cursors or using bookmarks, which I might update at some point.

And then there is also the navigation of your operating system with keyboard shortcuts, like switching between your editor and a browser window, but this is beyond the scope of this post.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to e-mail me. Also, if you liked this article,
give it a and spread the word. Thank you for reading.